Handling plant-based meats

As plant-based meats have some of their own characteristics, here are just a few things that you should know.

Dr. Marybeth Carlberg

Get comfortable working with these wonders of culinary science! ATK's "Cooking with Plant-Based Meat"  has 75 recipes for burgers, meatballs, chili, tacos, and more. The information below is adapted from their website.

  1. Raw bulk plant-based meat keeps longest if stored in the freezer until just before you’re ready to use it. For quick thaw, submerge the unopened package in hot water for 15-20 min. (And remember, these are plants - you can refreeze what you don't use, a beautiful thing!)
  2. Keep meat cool for easiest handling - prior to handling and back into the fridge 15 min prior to cooking.
  3. Moisten hands frequently with water to prevent sticking while shaping.
  4. Try a nonstick skillet as patties break apart when you try to flip on a regular frypan. If cooking on a grill (to thoroughly confuse your guests), be sure the grate is cleaned and oiled WELL.
  5. ATK suggests cooking until it develops a dark, crispy crust that enhances flavor.
  6. Plant-based meats cook quickly, so caramelize your onions and veggies prior to adding meat, rather than browning it before cooking veggies.
  7. It's salty, so ATK recommends using 1/4 tsp less salt in recipes.
  8. Per ATK, "Plant-based meat cooked to medium-rare (125 degrees) is mushy and pasty. On the flip side, cooking plant-based meat until well done (160 degrees) yields meat with an unpleasantly bouncy, chewy texture. We found medium doneness (130 to 135 degrees) to be the sweet spot for tender, juicy meat. Because plant-based meat cooks faster than regular ground beef—thick plant-based burger patties, for example, take just 2 to 3 minutes per side compared with 3 to 5 minutes per side for similarly thick beef patties—be sure to begin checking for doneness on the early end of the time range to guard against overcooking." The Complete Plant-Based Cookbook. America's Test Kitchen
  9. Use Less Oil: Many plant-based meats already contain added oils, so you might need less oil than you think when pan-frying or sautéing.
  10. Grill with Care: If you're grilling, remember that plant-based meats don't release fats in the same way. Use a non-stick spray on your grill or opt for a grill mat to prevent sticking.

Written By
Dr. Marybeth Carlberg
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